Religion is something which was started by early men under some misconception. According to some idiot named Taylor. According to this guy, who was an Anthropologist, Religion started with Dreams. Very Funny isn't it? Taylor proposed some theory called The animist theory.
He says that the so called uncivilized man Dreamt of his Ancestors n Animals during his sleep. He took it for granted that these dreams were Real n had something to with him. He then came to a conclusion that the men he saw in the Dream were his Ancestors. This is when he started believing that though the men were dead There is some part of them which is still alive. This is what is regarded as the SPIRIT. He considered the spirits as Something supernatural.
The movement of things around him he accounted for on the analogy of his own movements, which he knew by immediate experience were due to the activity of his spirit or will. To early man, as to the savage today, all Nature was alive, filled with innumerable spirits. Thus religion, Tylor believed, arose in an effort to propitiate these spirits by offerings and to win their favor by prayers.
Well this is of course could be what the Early men thought. It is really great for them to have thought in such ways. But the question is Why r we still in these Early Trends? Being so much Scientifically n Intellectually Advanced, It is a sin to still being Following what Our Ancestors did out of Ignorance. That's all they could think. But we are so Broad minded. We have capabilities to think in too many angles. Then why still go under all these misconceptions of Religions?It is a known fact that 90%of the conflicts taking place in today's world is due to Religion. After all the demarcating of people into Whites, Blacks and Browns, into Asian, American, African and so on why the hell do we need to be Separated by Religions? Religion is something which is causing the maximum trouble in today's World. THEN Y THE HELL DO WE NEED RELIGION?
Though it is obviously not possible to stop Faiths in Religions for Generations to come, Atleast there is some % of people who wud Teach their Kids abt these Problems n let them think by Themselves. In that case maybe WE can expect a Peaceful world in about 2000 years from now.... If THE EARTH COULD SURVIVE THAT LONG...